Essentials of Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics

Figures from the book

The figures from the Essentials book may be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
PDF, Keynote and Powerpoint files are available.

Please note the size and format of the files before trying to download.

Download all the figures:

All figures (download, single PDF file, 13 MB)
All figures, view on screen (PDF, 13 MB)
Zipfile (all the figures as individual PDF files, 13MB)

All figures (Keynote, 22 MB)

All figures (Powerpoint, pptx, high resolution, 22 MB)
All figures (Powerpoint, pptx, lower resolution, 13 MB)

(The figures in the keynote file are PDFs. The figures in the powerpoint are PNGs)

Subsets of the figures:


Figures for Part 1: Geophysical Fluids (PDF, 4 MB)
Figures for Part 2: Atmospheres (PDF, 5 MB)
Figures for Part 3: Oceans (PDF, 4 MB)


Figures, Part 1: Geophysical Fluids (Keynote, 6 MB)
Figures, Part 2: Atmospheres (Keynote, 8 MB)
Figures, Part 3: Oceans (Keynote, 8 MB)

You are hereby given permission to use any of these figures in a presentation or a publication provided that you provide appropriate reference to Vallis (2019), which is:

Vallis, G. K., 2019. Essentials of Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics. Cambridge University Press. 356 pp.