glossary to accompany Collapse "Prime Evolution" interview

Full glossary coming soon - please be patient! For now, feel free to email me any questions you might have relating to the interview.


prime numbers, primes: [Wikipedia entry]   [my webpage]

Riemann Hypothesis: [Wikipedia entry]   [my webpage]

information theory: [Wikipedia entry]

Riemann-von Mangoldt explicit formula:

Riemann zeros ("Riemann zeta zeros", "zeta zeros", "zeros of the zeta function", "zeros"):

Riemann zeta function ("zeta function"): [Wikipedia entry]   [my webpage]

Selberg Trace Formula: [Wikipedia entry]   [my webpage]

Fourier duality:

function of a complex variable:

complex plane:

complex number:


positive integers:

natural numbers:

Riemann dynamics:

statistical mechanics:

phase transition:

partition function:


real numbers:

imaginary numbers:

critical line:

critical strip:

nontrivial zeros:

Riemann operator:

free Riemann gas:



positive real line:

Hagedorn catastrophe:

C*-dynamical system:

quantum statistical mechanics:

p-adic numbers, p-adic metric, p-adic physics:


real number continuum:

adelic number system:

Archimedean principle, non-Archimedean:

convergence (of a sequence):

"prime at infinity":

(Einsteinian, Riemannian, Minkowskian) manifolds:

dynamical system:


string theory:


noncommutative geometry:

Gaussian distribution ("bell curve"):

Erdös-Kac Theorem:

natural logarithm ("logarithm"):

Beurling generalised primes ("generalised primes")

non-Euclidean space:

fractal membrane:

number variance:

Uncertainty Principle:

random matrix theory:

prime factors:

probabilistic number theory:

real line:

Bose-Einstein condensates:


Peano axioms:

number theory:

total order relation, order, partial order:

Goldbach's conjecture:

Planck scale, sub-Planck scale:


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