L. Kadanoff's introductory notes on R.M.T.

[ This is an excerpt from L.P. Kadanoff, "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of...", Physics Today 53 No. 11 (November, 2000) ]

This year, the University of Chicago saw an odd coincidence: Two similarly named mathematical scientists, Persi Diaconis and Percy Deift, came to give distinguished lecture series--one in statistics, the other in mathematics. They each talked about random matrix theory and its relation to other topics in physics and mathematics, including quantum gravity, the Riemann zeta function, and integrable systems.

Some explanations are in order. This zeta function is one of the central elements of pure mathematics. It is defined in terms of prime numbers, and it has an infinite number of zeros arrayed along a line in the complex plane. There are formulas that enable one to translate statistical information about the spacing of zeros into knowledge about the spacing of prime numbers, and vice versa.

The random matrix idea grew out of Eugene Wigner's investigations of the highly excited states of nuclei. A nucleus is too complex for us to even give an accurate representation of its Hamiltonian. In 1951, Wigner hypothesized that different nuclei might behave as if the Hamiltonian of each one was a random matrix, with each matrix having been picked from an ensemble determined by the Hamiltonian's symmetry properties. Freeman Dyson noticed that there are three such ensembles that make especial physical and mathematical sense. The statistical distributions of energy levels generated by these ensembles show highly structured spectra with a considerable tendency for neighboring levels to repel one another and spread out as much as they can. The statistical properties of any stretch of a few tens or hundreds of consecutive highly excited levels tends to be universal, that is, independent of everything but the symmetry of the Hamiltonian and the average level spacing. The same statistical distribution could be used to describe the spacing of zeros of the zeta function. Andrey Nickolayevich Kolmogorov proposed a roughly similar kind of universality for the fine structure of turbulence problems. Since these great works, universality has been sort of expected in hydrodynamics and statistical physics problems.

Peter Sarnak and Zeev Rudnick constructed theorems that support Dyson's ideas about the relation between the distributions from the zeta function and from the matrices. Diaconis, in one of his Chicago lectures, described how he tested the hypothesis of the identity of these distributions using some elegant applications of modern statistical analysis. These numerical tests, which followed up on earlier work by Hugh Montgomery and Michael Berry, show the robustness and power of the connection proposed by Dyson.

But there is more to this universality. Not only is the Wigner/Dyson answer applicable to almost all matrices, but it applies to many other problems as well, including quantum chaos and universal conductance fluctuations. Moreover, random matrices have eigenvalues whose distribution is given by a statistical mechanics problem involving particles with Coulomb-like interactions. These problems fit into the general class of exactly solvable statistical mechanics models, including, for example, the two-dimensional Ising model and two-dimensional quantum gravity. These models can, in turn, be converted into problems in Hamiltonian dynamics by a trick equivalent to Feynman's path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics.

More yet: In his lectures, Deift pointed out that the random matrix problem has a natural connection to problems of integrable systems. He discussed "the remarkable discovery of Gardner, Greene, Kruskal and Miura in 1967 of a way to integrate the KortewegdeVries equation, a particular infinite dimensional Hamiltonian system arising in the theory of water waves." Amazingly, this work gives a method for finding the complete spacetime solution of this nonlinear partial differential equation. In hindsight, we see that the exact solutions can also be found by constructing all the different integrals of the motion, or by developing a description of the independent modes of excitation of the system (as in the seminal 1965 work of Martin Kruskal and Norman Zabusky on solitons), or by several other apparently unconnected methods. Many different dynamical problems have been solved by these methods. The solution of these problems is one of the great achievements of the mathematical and physical sciences in the second half of the 20th century. According to Deift, all these integrable systems fit naturally into the same skein of ideas as problems in random matrix theory, statistical physics, quantum gravity, function theory, and many more areas.

Edouard Brézin and Anthony Zee have used renormalization arguments to understand the random matrix and Hamiltonian universalities. They describe these problems by indicating their relation to the exactly solvable "Gaussian model" of statistical mechanics. They explain universality as a consequence of the robustness of Gaussian probability distributions under changes of variables. Even though we do understand many aspects of this universality, one can marvel that so many different problem areas are all interconnected in this wonderful and apparently magic fashion. This "magic" signals that there are probably additional deep connections, yet to be discovered.


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