
Antony Galton has an Erdős number of at most 4.


4. Antony Galton

Valentin Goranko and Antony Galton, 'Temporal Logic'
Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2015

3. Valentin Goranko

Hajnal Andréka, Valentin Goranko, Szabolcs Mikulás, István Németi and Ildikó Sain, 'Effective First-order Temporal Logics of Programs'.
In L. Bolc and A. Szałas (eds.), Time and Logic: A Computational Approach, University College London Press, 1995

2. Hajnal Andréka or István Németi

Leon Henkin, J. Donald Monk, Alfred Tarski, Hajnal Andréka, and István Németi, Cylindric Set Algebras
Volume 883 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1981.

1.Alfred Tarski

Paul Erdős and Alfred Tarki, 'On families of mutually exclusive sets'
Annals of Mathematics, 44 (1943) 315-329

0. Paul Erdős

Any help towards lowering the upper bound would be appreciated. (Thanks to Valentin Goranko for pointing out item 3 above.)

An earlier version of this page.

Antony Galton
Last modified: Wed Sep 5 16:38:26 BST 2012